What Happens If You Don’t Treat Dry Eye Syndrome?

If you experience continual discomfort, stinging, or burning sensation in your eyes, it could be on account of dry eye syndrome. It is advisable to visit a licensed ophthalmologist to get your eyes checked as soon as possible. They will recommend the best product for dry eyes to treat the condition and provide relief.

What is dry eye syndrome?

Your eyes produce tears to keep your eyes well-lubricated and healthy. The tears wash away any dust, germs, or grime that enter your eyes and keep them clean. Dry eye syndrome is a health condition where the surface of your eyes becomes dry due to a lack of tears, and it causes discomfort in your eyes. You may experience a stinging or burning sensation in your eyes, blurred vision, poor night vision, or sensitivity to light. Your eyes may get red and watery, and there may be an excessive mucous discharge.

What causes dry eye syndrome?

The tears in your eyes consist of oil, water, and mucus. If there is an imbalance in these three layers, you can get dry eye syndrome. For instance, the condition can arise when your eyes produce an insufficient amount of tears or poor quality of tears and cannot lubricate the surfaces of the eyes enough to keep them moist.

Another cause can be the dysfunction of the meibomian glands inside your eyelids. These glands secrete oil that helps retain the moisture of the eye surface. If they do not function properly or are blocked, the tears will evaporate faster from the surface of your eyes and cause them to dry out.

Other factors that can cause dry eye syndrome are aging, poor diet, certain medical conditions, and the medications you take for them. You are at risk for dry eye syndrome if you:

• Are older than 50.

• Do not eat sufficient foods with Vitamin A or omega-3 fatty acids.

• Suffer from health conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or diabetes.

• Have out-turning or in-turning eyelids.

• Take antidepressants, decongestants, antihistamines, or hormone replacement therapy drugs.

• Have undergone laser eye surgery or radiation.

• Wear contact lenses constantly.

What happens if you don’t treat dry eye syndrome?

If you suspect you might have dry eye syndrome, do not delay visiting the ophthalmologist and using their recommended best product for dry eyes. Your condition could get worse if left untreated and cause major health complications. Here are some of the issues you could face:

Corneal inflammation and ulcer

The evaporation of moisture from the eye surface can damage the cornea, which is the transparent outer layer covering the iris, pupil, and anterior chamber. It gets oxygen and nutrients from tears, and the tears also keep it clean of dust and germs. Without adequate tears to wash away the grime, the particles could scratch the corneal surface and cause inflammation.

Also, bacteria could infect these scratches, and you could develop a corneal ulcer. Since the cornea is responsible for directing light towards the retina at the back of the eye, any untreated damage it sustains can lead to vision loss and even blindness.


Dry eye syndrome can cause inflammation in the conjunctiva. It is the transparent cellular layer that covers the eye’s white part and the inner surface of the eyelids. When this layer becomes inflamed and infected, you get conjunctivitis. Your eyes will get red, be more sensitive to light, and feel gritty.


According to various research studies, there seems to be a connection between untreated dry eye syndrome and migraine headaches. People who have dry eyes are more prone to suffering from these debilitating headaches. Women, especially those of advanced years, seem to have more migraines than men in this regard.

Oversensitivity to light

Dry eye syndrome, if left untreated, can lead to oversensitivity to light. When that happens, you might find it hard to keep your eyes open in bright sunlight, while working before a computer, or when you watch television. You might find yourself squinting to see what is in front of you.

While there is no permanent cure for dry eye syndrome, making necessary lifestyle changes, getting enough rest, and using the best product for dry eyes can help to keep your eyes moist.

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