What You Should Do When You Have Genital Herpes

There are a lot of sexually transmitted infections, which can be prevented if you follow a safe approach to sexual activities. STIs include genital herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea, and a few more. One of the most common STIs is Genital Herpes infecting around 1 in 7 Americans aged 14 to 49. However, its medications are available in the market. If you also missed your health class in school or are, having a hard time remembering what genital Herpes is, then worry not; in this article, we focus on what you should do when you have genital herpes and how to prevent it. In addition, a list of genital herpes medication over the counter.

What Is Genital Herpes?

As mentioned earlier, Genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection, one of the oldest known viruses in Medical history. A contagious disease, genital Herpes is quite harmful as it causes pain and Irritability in the Genitals. Unfortunately, a herpes cure is still not found, but as medical science has progressed, many over-the-counter medications are available.

Genital Herpes infection, also known as the herpes simplex virus (HSV), spreads mainly through sexual activity. A common virus that causes soreness and irritation is not that common but very easily treatable. Herpes is primarily seen on the mouth or genitals. It is annoying and painful, but it is not at all serious. One in four cases of Herpes causes skin and mucous membranes lesions.

Genital Herpes: Causes and Symptoms

Genital Herpes is one of the most painful types of Herpes, which commonly occurs as painful blisters. It is pretty irritating and painful to bear; over-the-counter medications are a great help when treating genital Herpes. According to medical research, one in four cases of Genital Herpes causes skin and mucous membranes lesions.

Genital Herpes virus spreads through various ways in the human body; these are-

• Saliva

• Semen

• Vaginal Secretions

There are mainly two types of Genital Herpes, HSV-1, AND HSV-2 (Herpes Simplex Virus). Both these variants trigger genital Herpes in the form of cold sores. World Health Organization research of 2016 states that more than 3.5 billion people under the age of five has and had contracted HSV at least once in their lifetime.

As for Symptoms of Genital Herpes, it may take up to 4 days to show up, but many cases are asymptomatic. Some symptoms of genital Herpes can include-

• Blisters on penis

• Blisters on scrotum

• Blisters on buttocks

• Blisters on vagina

• Itchiness and tingling sensation

• Blisters on mouth, lips, and face

• Open sores

• Swollen lymph glands

• Body aches, fever, and headaches

Over The Counter Medications for Genital Herpes

Although Genital Herpes is not treatable, with the help of medications and many over-the-counter medications, it reduces the chances of spreading it to others. Did you know that maximum cases of Genital Herpes are asymptomatic, and most people don’t even get to know they have it?

Diagnosing genital Herpes is relatively easy, and ignoring it will give you no good. Therefore, it’s best to consult a doctor first. After consultation, doctors recommend different types of medications for Genital Herpes. There are different types of medications available for Genital Herpes-

1) Cold Sores- Tiny yet painful cold sores have a particular type of creams that contain a blend of Momordica charantia, which works against cold sores and increases immunity.

2) Itchiness- A standard and frequent factor in genital Herpes is itchiness and tingle sensation, which requires creams containing cooling agents like aloe Vera, lemongrass, etc.

3) Fever Blisters- Fluid-filled blisters that turn into scabs are excruciating in genital Herpes, so specific creams with vitamin C, Zinc, Astragalus, and Lysine are excellent for treating fever blisters.

4) Multi-symptom relief- Some creams have all-rounder properties and are generally recommended in the initial stage of Herpes when symptoms are more minor. These creams help in treating burning, itching, pain, etc.

5) Natural Creams- For people with specific allergies to chemicals, there are many creams available for genital Herpes containing the all-natural formula and are equally effective as its counter products.

It is essential to be highly aware of Herpes, especially genital Herpes, and start taking medications as early as possible to stop it at its initial stage and prevent any painful experience you may have.

Four Questions to Ask Your Lip Filler Consultant

The age of social media has popularized the perfect pout, and everyone wants to achieve that look. Fuller and plump lips were always a sought-after feature. However, their popularity has reached a different level in recent years.

Some people are blessed with plump lips, while others may need a little help from an aesthetician. If you want to achieve those beautifully plump lips, you can do so with the help of lip fillers.

Also, aging can make your lips thin and give you those unwanted lines. A beautiful smile can help you make an amazing first appearance and enriches your overall social life.

Now you can achieve the smile of your dreams without any surgical procedure. Lip fillers, in Salt Lake City, help you eliminate those fine lines on your lips and achieve beautiful voluminous lips. However, before you undergo the procedure, it is essential to ask a few questions about your lip filler consultant.

Question 1 What kind of fillers do you use in the treatment.?

Before you say yes to the cosmetic procedure, it is your right to know what kind of products are used on your lips. Collagen lip fillers were extremely famous for quite a long time.

However, in recent years, hyaluronic acid is a highly recommended filler option by beauticians. These fillers last longer than collagen fillers and provide you with natural-looking lips.

There are different types of hyaluronic acid fillers that a lip filler consultant can choose. Hence, it is essential to discuss the kind of fillers being used in the treatment.

Question 2 Can lip fillers help me achieve the desired look.

People have different expectations from their lip filler treatment. Some may prefer to alter their look drastically, while others may require subtle changes.

Also, people have different expectations regarding the desired volume and shape. Before the procedure, it is essential to discuss the desired outcome with your consultant.

It is also important to note that lip fillers just enhance your natural lips and do not transform them into the lips of your favorite celebrity. Hence, it is recommended to have realistic expectations. Your consultant can guide you on whether or not the lip fillers are the right treatment for you based on the expected results.

Question 3: What to expect from the treatment?

Having a general idea about the treatment procedure will help soothe your anxiousness. There are no long-term side effects of lip fillers.

However, it is better to discuss the treatment with your aesthetician. There is usually a small amount of swelling and bruising at the injection site, and your cosmetician will help you deal with these temporary side effects of a lip filler treatment.

To prepare for the fillers in Salt Lake City, you will need to avoid alcohol and anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, you will need to avoid intense workouts after the treatment.

Also, it is important to discuss any medical conditions you may have with your cosmetician. You also need to disclose any infections or allergies that you have.

People with diabetes, Lupus, other autoimmune diseases, and blood clotting issues such as hemophilia need to discuss these with their service provider. These issues may impact the efficacy and safety of these treatment methods.

Question 4: How much will the treatment cost

The cost of the lip filler treatment is an important factor that needs to be discussed with your lip filler consultant before the treatment. Lip fillers are performed to enhance your appearance and do not have any medical benefits. Hence, these procedures are not covered by any medical insurance.

The cost of lip fillers may range from $500 to $2000, depending on the type of fillers used and your desired results.

These are some of the questions that you need to ask your consultant for fillers, in Salt Lake City to gain an understanding of the treatment procedure.

Pros, Cons, and Side Effects of Vitamin IV Therapy

A well-balanced diet helps provide the body with all the essential nutrients and minerals. However, it may surprise you that majority of Americans are diagnosed with a vitamin deficiency. The reasons for such a medical condition can be numerous.

Sometimes our busy schedule can prevent us from maintaining a good diet. The other times the body may not be able to absorb the nutrients from food. IV vitamin therapy in such a case can be extremely helpful.

IV therapy involves the process of delivering fluid directly into the bloodstream of a person. This helps in infusing the body with all the required nutrients. However, before you book an appointment for IV vitamin therapy Boca Raton, you should know all the pros, cons, and side effects of IV vitamin therapy.

A) Pros of IV vitamin therapy.

The benefit of IV vitamin therapy is numerous and often overshadows some cons that the process may have. Let us discuss some of the Pros of IV vitamin therapy.

1) Provides the body with many nutrients

It helps in supplying the body with essential nutrients and restores the required minerals in the body. Hence, An IV vitamin therapy can correct any imbalances and prevent health complications in the future.

2) Bypasses the digestive tract

Sometimes a person may have issues with their digestive system that can prevent the absorption of essential nutrients. IV therapy passes the gastrointestinal system and helps in the better absorption of vitamins and nutrients.

3) Quick absorption

The oral medication needs to pass through the digestive tract and gut before it can be absorbed by the body. This not only delays the supply of vitamins but also has a lower absorption rate. IV vitamin therapy delivers the nutrients directly into the bloodstream and enables better and faster absorption.

4) Addresses your unique needs

IV vitamin therapy provides scope for precise dosing. A health care professional can assess the vitamin deficiency and recommend the exact doses required to address the issue.

5) Provides various benefits

Depending on the type of vitamin used for the drip, IV therapy can provide numerous benefits. The benefits of IV vitamin therapy range from providing the body with energy to addressing beauty issues. IV therapy is also used for hangover cure and rehydration. The amino acids and antioxidants infused through the therapy can accelerate wound recovery and healing.

B) Cons of IV vitamin therapy

Just like any other medical procedure, IV therapy has a few cons. Let us discuss the cons of IV vitamin therapy, Boca Raton in detail.

• Infusion of vitamins and their high concentration can lead to several complications in the body. These effects may vary from mild headaches and dizziness to even death. Hence, it is essential to choose a health care professional for the IV infusion.

• Iv vitamin therapy can also disrupt the electrolyte balance in the body. An increase in electrolytes like potassium can also lead to severe issues like a heart attack.

• Iv vitamin is not recommended for long-term use. It can aid in a situation where the digestive system is not functioning properly. However, in the long term, the patient needs to rely on a healthy diet and lifestyle for providing nutrition to the body.

C) Side effects of IV vitamin therapy

IV therapy is a painless and safe procedure. However, it involves injecting a needle into the veins to insert the catheter. This small opening can make way for pathogens to enter your body.

This can lead to infections if not properly cared for. IV therapy can also have other side effects like bruising, swelling, irritation, blood clots, rashes, air embolism, etc. By taking appropriate measures these risks can be reduced and eliminated.

Depending on the ingredients of the concoction, you can experience more severe complications. Hence, it is recommended to consult a health care professional for IV vitamin therapy, Boca Raton.

The Importance of Birth Planning

The trend of advanced birth planning is catching on with many pregnant women and you may want to consider it too if you are expecting a baby anytime soon. Given how important the birth of your baby is, you want to ensure that everything will go well and that the day will be as stress-free as possible. You can make as detailed a birth plan guide as you want and share it with your family and your doctor. It can help them make prior arrangements to meet your preferences and expectations.

What is a birth plan guide?

A birth plan guide is an instruction template about your labor, delivery, and postpartum requirements. You can write your full name at the top so that the doctor will realize that it is from you. List your requirements understand, briefly or in detail as per your preference. Give it to the doctor a few days before your delivery so that they will have time to go through it and make any necessary arrangements.

How do you create a good birth plan?

You can create a good birth plan guide if you consider the following:

Availability of resources

When creating a birth plan, it is essential to consider the resources available at the hospital or birthing facility that you have selected. Find out if they can accommodate your requirements. For instance, if they do not already have the hydrotherapy birthing tub you want, can they arrange to get it for you?

Allowance of visitors

You also want to consider if they are willing to allow your husband, partner, family member, or friend to accompany you in the birthing room during your labor and in your hospital room afterward. Some birthing centers have strict visitation policies for male visitors, so it is best to ask beforehand.

Selecting the right ambiance

If you think that a certain type of ambiance can make you feel more at ease in the birthing room, it is advisable to ask about that beforehand too. Some hospitals or birthing facilities may let you choose to have dim lights, bright lights, or music playing in the background. They may also let you select the temperature you want in the birthing room.

Choosing labor preferences

It may help to research the different ways of giving birth before your big day. Aside from the conventional birthing way, you can choose to walk about, sit on a birthing ball, use a hydrotherapy tub, or stand under a warm shower. Just discuss it first with the doctor and make sure it is a safe choice for you and your baby.

Deciding on pain management

Since delivering a baby can be a painful process, it is best if you discuss the pain management procedure beforehand with your doctor. You can decide if you want to manage your pain with breathing exercises, meditation, massage, or hot and cold therapy. If you think you might need something more, ask the doctor about a safe epidural or narcotics.

Determining delivery preferences

In your birth plan guide, you can state your specific preferences for the delivery. For instance, you might want someone to video record the birth or have a mirror at hand to watch the birth yourself. You might want your husband, partner, family member, or friend to cut the newborn’s umbilical cord. You may want to hold your baby immediately after his or her birth. You may also want to wash the baby, breastfeed him or her, and have the doctor do the baby examination in your presence. Additionally, you may want someone to stay with you overnight afterward.

Your birth plan guide should also contain the measures you want the doctor to take in case of an emergency. For instance, if you require assisted labor, a cesarean procedure, or other pain management options. You can also inform the doctor if you want to collect the cord blood and tissue from your newborn’s umbilical cord and have made arrangements with a private or public cord blood bank. The doctor will use the provided kit to collect the cord blood and hand it to the representative from the blood bank to take away for storage to safeguard your child’s future.

The Tips and Guidelines to Follow For Proper Dental Care

Dental health is highly imperative as far as humans are concerned. A healthy dental condition is vital for the overall body metabolism. Proper chewing is possible only when the teeth are healthy and stay perfect. When the process of chewing is insufficient, or you chew less because of dental pain, your digestive system will not work as it should be. Hence, one must take due care and attention as regards dental health. Remember, a healthy dental condition will keep the overall body metabolism perfectly OK. That said, one will have to be careful while selecting a dental clinic for getting consultation or the related treatments. The dental care McLean clinic that you choose must have modern tools that will make the process of dental care treatments easy and effective. Besides, the dentists must have high qualifications and experience.

The Tips and Guidelines to Follow For Proper Dental Care

There are some principal points that one must remember. When the process of brushing is proper, then that will do a lot of good for your overall health condition.

• Frequency of Brushing: The main point to note here is that you should avoid brushing your teeth more often. There is a tendency among a section of people to do the brushing again and again in a day. Such an action will only spoil the healthy nature of your teeth. It will harm the gums and enamel. The best method is to brush your teeth in the morning and before going to sleep. Of course, if you feel uneasy after having a meal, you can brush your teeth. Here, just brushing will be enough. You can avoid the usual toothpaste that you use. However, it is better to do the process only two times a day.

• Use Soft Brush: It’s always good to use a soft-bristled brush for brushing your teeth and gum. Hard ones will create unnecessary bruises inside your mouth if you do not use the brush correctly. For instance, you will be in a hurry if your official duty or some other vital functions compel you. Consequently, your brushing will be more or less speedy. Such a rush can cause bruises inside your mouth and gums if you use a hard toothbrush. When you use a soft brush, you will get a smooth feeling inside, which will be highly soothing.

• Brush Softly: You must make it a point to brush all sides of your teeth and gum. Sometimes, the brush you use may not reach some specific spots. The best way is to use such brushes that will be convenient to use. You must make your movements very slow and smooth inside so that the movements do not create any wounds. While brushing, you must make sure that the brush reaches every part of the mouth. Remember, bacteria can come to pass not only on the teeth but also everywhere in the mouth.

• Thorough Cleaning: Make sure to wash your brush thoroughly every time you use the same. You must make this action a routine. Similarly, you must clean your toothbrush holder more often. You can do this process once a week. Remember, toothbrush holders can become an excellent breeding place for bacteria.

You must use a fluoride paste: It is advisable to use a fluoride paste as the same will support the healthy nature of both gums and teeth, and this nature is because of the presence of the minerals.

For Faultless Dental Care McLean Choose a Professional

Absolute precision regarding the entailed processes is highly essential to make Invisalign successful. Here, unconditional dedication from dentists and supporting staff is a vital necessity. Hence, it is of high significance that you must contact one of the top dental care McLean clinics. The agility of the attending dentist holds the key here. An internet search is the best method to locate the leading dental care McLean clinics. Such top dental clinics will be reliable and will have the needed facilities for providing the most modern treatments to their patients. However, you must compare the facilities provided, pricing, success rate, and customer reviews before choosing one specific dental clinic.

Six Top Reasons to Store Cord Blood

Cord blood bank companies are in the business of storing cord blood obtained from the umbilical cord of newborn babies. The trend of extracting and preserving cord blood began in the late 1980s, and with advancements in the medical uses of stem cells, more and more parents are deciding to store the cord blood of their newborns. It can be a way to safeguard the health of your children in the future and it can come at an affordable cord blood bank cost of $19.99/month.

Six top reasons to store cord blood

If you are wondering whether you should get in touch with one of the leading cord blood bank companies to store the cord blood of your newborn, here are six top reasons to help you make up your mind:

1) It is a safe, painless, and ethical practice

After a baby is born, the doctor will clamp and cut the umbilical cord and then use a needle to extract the cord blood from the detached cord. That means, neither you nor your newborn will be subjected to any kind of painful procedure to obtain the cord blood. Since nobody is harmed during the extraction and the storage and the process does not contravene any social, religious, or legal policies, preserving cord blood is an ethical practice. When the stored cord blood is used for treatment, it is inserted into the body via an intravenous line, and that can take only about 15 minutes and is a very safe procedure.

2) It can help with current medical treatments

Currently, it is possible to use the stem cells obtained from cord blood to repair, rebuild, and heal impaired cells and treat over 80 health conditions. Doctors have successfully used stem cells to treat various cancers, blood disorders, immune disorders, metabolic disorders, and genetic diseases. Given the capacity of stem cells to differentiate into other types of cells with different functions, medical researchers are using them to build new body organs to replace damaged or diseased ones.

3) It can serve as insurance for future health issues

Researchers continue to develop different medical treatments using stem cells. They are seeing success in using stem cells to treat cerebral palsy, diabetes, and sickle cell disease. It may be possible in the future to treat immune system-related health issues such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and Crohn’s disease. They may be able to find cures for HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injuries, strokes, and other conditions.

4) It is possible to store cord blood for a long period

There is available research data about cord blood bank companies storing cord blood for around 25 years. The banks have been successful in freezing and keeping cord blood viable long-term using cryogenic methods. The frozen cord blood can be thawed and used for medical purposes without any decrease in its effectiveness. Parents can choose to store their newborn’s cord blood with a private cord bank for the use of the child or the family later, or, if they expect no future health issues, donate it to a public cord bank.

5) It can help safeguard an entire family’s future

Many parents chose to store the cord blood with cord blood bank companies to safeguard their family’s future health. As long as everyone in the family shares the same human leukocyte antigens (HLA) tissue type, the stored stem cells will be a guaranteed match and they can use them to treat different health conditions. They will not need to wait for a donor, can lower the risk of graft versus host disease (GVHD), and can begin treatment immediately, increasing their chances of recovery. With stored cord blood, it will be possible to treat current health conditions and also those diseases that might develop in the future.

6) It can be an affordable investment

Different cord blood bank companies may charge differently for storing cord blood. The exact prices will depend on the length of storage. It is advisable to look for a cord bank that is in an area safe from natural disasters and not too far away from medical centers. You want to ensure that the stem cells remain safe long-term and are easy to retrieve during emergencies.

How Long Do Edibles Take to Kick In?

The use of edibles is increasing. The reason for this is the increased levels of tension and anxiety the present-day human society hold. Besides, the legalization of the same in many states has added an impetus. Users believe that these edibles have the capacity for bringing down the intensity of disorders such as pain, mental complaints, anxiety, etc. An added advantage is that these edibles will not generate any respiratory diseases. Hence, edibles are far, far better the smoking. However, one should take great care while using the item. One must know about physical fitness and the number of edibles that one should take. However, one must be aware that if the item contains highly concentrated THC, the effect will be quicker. Hence, the users must know about the ingredients and percentage of concentration of the edible Orlando before consuming the same.

So, it is always good to take medical advice before you start to use any types of edibles. The main components of cannabis are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol. It is because of the presence of THC that people experience the high. In general, edibles show a very slow pace. But, once the user gets the effect, the same will remain for a long. When the user consumes the edible, the absorption takes place quickly, and the same gets into body metabolism. Here, the transportation to the different parts of the body takes place. Then the process of digestion takes place. In general, the time required for the start of the desired effects is approximately between half to one hour. The total effect will remain for two to three hours. The main factors that decide the time for the action of edibles are the ingredients, the gender of the individual, body strength and weight of the individual, the metabolism, etc. A beginner will feel a bit confused as regards the quantity that one can consume. In brief, at the start, it’s a bit difficult to find out the tolerance level. You must take due care and attention not to overdose yourself. It’s always practically good to go for the advice of a medical or health practitioner. Remember, an overdose may give you trouble, and hence, it is beneficial to seek professional advice.

It is only wise to consult a medical practitioner before using these edibles. In general, these items are non-toxic and safe for adults. This consultation is required to assess your general health condition. From this reading, the doctor will be able to give you an idea as regards the edibles that you can eat. Remember, if there are kids at your home, you must be careful. You must store the items safely away from the hands of kids. There is a possibility that they will grab these the sooner they see these, as some of these items look very similar to their sweet candies or toffees.

Buy Edible Orlando from a Leading Merchant

You must ensure that the hem dispensary from which you are buying your edible Orlando is a premium cannabis dispensary. The shop must be a one-stop solution as far as your cannabis needs are concerned. The shop must have a wide range of products so that you will be able to pick suitable items, which will be precisely fitting for you. You must be able to shop all premium products such as CBG, CBD, Delta 8, CBN, etc. There must not be any need to show any medical card. The edible Orlando store must have a reputation for storing cannabis products straight from the farm. Remember, the freshness of the item matters a lot. Fresh edibles will be super as far as quality of the same is concerned. Fresh cannabis products will surely give you the much-desired satisfaction. Besides, because of the heavy volume of service, such top edible Orlando traders will be able to sell you the items at discounted prices. Moreover, you will get these items very soon as the company will do the packing and shipping at the earliest.

Cord Blood Frequently Asked Questions FAQs

Cord blood banking is an option that new parents might want to consider to safeguard the health future of their children. The procedure involves collecting blood from the umbilical cord of a newborn baby and extracting stem cells from it. The cord banking costs for storing these long-term for potential future medical use are generally in the affordable range, with some of the leading cord blood banks charging $19.99/month.

Frequently asked questions about cord blood:

Before investing in cord blood banking, you should get well informed about cord blood, stem cells, stem cell preservation, and cord banking costs. Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

What is cord blood?

The blood obtained from the umbilical cord and placenta after the birth of a baby is known as cord blood. Since this blood has a high content of stem cells, it is useful from the medical point of view. Currently, it is possible to use stem cells in medical procedures to treat over 80 health conditions.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that occur in small numbers in adult bone marrow, adult fat, and other adult tissues. They are also present in three to five days old embryos and the umbilical cord blood of newborn babies. They are the only cells in the body that can generate various other cells. Stem cells can replicate to form new stem cells and differentiate to form cells with specialized functions. The specialized cells that can develop from stem cells include blood cells, bone cells, heart muscle cells, and brain cells.

What is the process of collecting cord blood?

After you register with a cord blood bank and get an eligibility assessment, it will provide you will a cord blood collection kit. A doctor or nurse at the hospital can use this kit to extract the cord blood from the umbilical cord right after the birth of your baby. There is no pain involved for you or your baby in the extraction since the umbilical cord will be clamped and detached at this point.

The cord blood collected by injection from the umbilical cord is rich in stem cells. While these are similar to the stem cells present in the bone marrow of adults, it is easier to extract the stem cells from the cord blood than from the bone marrow. Additionally, the cord blood stem cells are younger and have better potential to replicate themselves and differentiate to form other types of cells.

How is cord blood stored in a cord blood bank?

A representative from the cord blood bank will pick up the bag containing the collected cord blood from the hospital and transport it to the cord blood bank. The bank will use premium technologies to process the cord blood and extract the stem cells. It will then freeze and store the stem cells using cryogenic technology.

How many years can you store stem cells in a cord blood bank?

Cord blood banks have frozen cord blood cryogenically and stored it for up to 30 years and more. It may be possible to store and keep the stem cells viable for longer than that, perhaps even infinitely. However since cord blood banking is a relatively new phenomenon, there are no scientific studies available beyond the mentioned periods. The cord banking costs can differ depending on how long you want to store the stem cells.

Who can use the stored stem cells, and for what purpose?

The stem cells extracted from the newborn’s cord blood are useful for treating health conditions in siblings, parents, grandparents, and other family members who share the same human leukocyte antigens (HLA) type. Currently, stem cells can treat various cancers, immune disorders, blood disorders, metabolic disorders, and genetic diseases. These can include leukemia, lymphoma, sickle cell disease, blood marrow failure syndrome, and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome. As stem cell research continues, it might be possible to find many other medical uses for cord blood stem cells.

If your child or anyone in your family has or is likely to be affected by genetic health conditions, the cord banking costs may be the best long-term investment you could make to find the right treatment for them.

What is Cord Blood Banking? Pros, Cons, and How It Works

Cord Blood Banking is a collection of umbilical cords and placenta of newborns for the extraction of stem cells. These are potentially life-saving stem cells that can be used in the later stage of life as stem cells can replicate other cells. Umbilical cords used to get thrown away after the birth of a baby, but now, many parents choose to store their newborn’s umbilical cord for the future health of their child. You can even find affordable cord blood banks at $19.99/month

Cord banking was started keeping in mind the benefits of the blood present in the umbilical cord which is rich in stem cells. These stem cells are very beneficial and are helpful when used against life-threatening illnesses. The cord fluid is easy to collect and has far more stem cells present in it than stem cells present in the bone marrow, also the cord blood rarely contains any bacteria so it is easily accepted as an adult stem cell.

Cord blood has shown positive results in the treatment of illnesses like cancer, anemia, immune system disorders, orthopedic issues, and many more. The cord blood is taken at the time of birth is an absolute match for the baby to be used in later stages of his life but these blood cells may or may not reject if transfused into some other person’s body. Immediate family members of the baby can also use the stem cells as they also have a higher rate of cord blood cells after transfusion.

Where is Cord Blood Stored?

Cord banking and its storage are up to the parents to decide. There are a few options from which the parents can decide as to where to store the cord blood and also, they can decide who and when it can be used.

  • Public Banking

Public Cord Banks storages are available for anyone to use the cord blood and getting cord blood stored at public cord banks is free of cost for the parents. These banks can use the donated cord blood for research purposes as well.

  • Private Banking

Private cord banking is quite expensive as the cord blood is stored exclusively for use by the donor and the family members. Private cord banking is expensive and these banks also charge additional annual storage fees. Getting cord blood stored in private banks has its disadvantages as collection and storage charges are very high and it might be possible that the child or any other family member may never have to use the stored cord blood.

  • Donation Banks

Donation cord banking is for public use and is a combination of private and public cord banks. Donated cord blood can be used by anyone who is in need and also by the family who donated the cord blood as these donations can be reserved for donors as well.

Cord banking, currently being at a development stage as more and more treatments are being tested to be cured by cord blood cells, but it has its disadvantages as well. Cord blood does not contain a lot of stem cells so any adult needing a stem cell transfusion will be needing multiple donors, not everyone is eligible to donate cord blood, all hospitals may not provide the facility to get cord blood stored in a public bank, and private storage is too expensive for the donor.

The stored cord blood can not be used by the donor as well if the disease is a genetic one as the stem cell would also be having those genetic mutations.

Cord Blood Banking, being at a rise in most of the countries, still does not have a definite answer as to if cord banking is an option one should opt for. As for public banking, it is mostly being used for research purposes and in private banking, the collection and storage expenses are too high and the chances of the donor using the cord blood are also extremely low. Donating cord blood is one of the safest options, if the parents decide to donate, as it will first of all be free of charge and also can be reserved by the donor for future use.

Men’s Health Supplement: Benefits & Usage

Most people have browsed the internet searching for what health supplements are and why is it useful. Well, you are not alone; health supplements are getting the hype they deserve by the day. In addition, if you are a man who is keen on starting his health supplements, then this is the right place to start. This article focuses on what to look for in men’s health supplements, but first, let’s see how health supplements are essential in daily life.

Daily Life and Health Supplements

It has become challenging to fulfil our bodily nutrient demands in the fast-paced environment. This is where health supplements enter the picture. Health supplements ensure that our body reaches its optimal functioning by fulfilling its vitamins and minerals demands. Globally nutritionists highly recommend taking health supplements for men as well as women. Men who work out are suggested to include different types of health supplements in their routine for the proper functioning of their health.

Men’s Health Supplements: Usage, Types, and Benefits

This stressful and cumbersome environment that we are part of often takes a toll on our physical health, and we tend to ignore it further other pressure of daily life. It gets pretty impossible to fulfill every need through a natural process. This is the prime reason why health supplements were introduced in the market.

There are several reasons why men’s health supplements are needed; these are-

• Poor Diet

• Pollution

• Stress

• Bad eating habits

• Scarcity of fresh products

• Deficiency of nutrition

• Lack of vitamins

Including supplements in your diet can do you wonders as it improves the body’s immunity system. It helps in fighting chronic infections and typical cases of flu. Even if you follow a strict exercise regime and the perfect diet, you still need health supplements. The question is what to look for in men’s health supplements.

What to look for in Men’s Health Supplements

You need to follow the perfect combination of eating a healthy diet and including health supplements that go right with your body and health needs for your long-term health. This list covers the different types of health supplements you can have in your daily life.

  1. Vitamin D – Responsible for boosting testosterone levels, Vitamin D health supplements help support and promote heart health. These supplements help in increasing muscle and bone strength.
  2. Magnesium – Magnesium is one of the essential minerals for the proper body and health. It helps in blood glucose control, nerve function, and protein synthesis.
  3. Omega 3 – When you consume Omega-3 health supplements, it helps maintain the proper ratio of omega fatty acids in your body, men in particular need omega-3 fatty acids.
  4. Probiotics – Acting as live microorganisms, probiotics help eliminate harmful bacteria from your body.
  5. Electrolytes – Electrolytes health supplements are group minerals that maintain fluid balance and muscle contractions in a body; they are incredibly beneficial for men who work out.

Men who want to have a healthier and vitamin mineral-rich lifestyle should start consuming health supplements. It’s never too late to begin a healthy journey.